Thursday May 20, 2021
Episode # 35: Professor Tamsin Mather - Volcanoes, a ’fundamental fascination’
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
This week John was joined by Professor Tamsin Mather from Oxford University. Tamsin is professor of Earth Sciences and her research centres around volcanoes and volcanic behaviour.
Thanks to Collins for sponsoring series 6 of GeogPod.
Links from the pod
Public Lecture: Volcanoes and past climate: adventures with deep carbon
Blog about Masaya and volcanic gases
Volcano watching: weapons of ash eruption
University of Oxford Earth Sciences undergraduate course
The Geological Society university pathway page
Teaching resources Tamsin helped create:
Your science out there - Oxford Sparks
Using your science to understand volcanic eruptions - Oxford Sparks
Thursday May 13, 2021
Episode #34: Professor Johanna Waters & Dr Maggi Leung - Geographies of education
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
This week John was joined by Professor Johanna Waters from University College London and Dr Maggi Leung from Utrecht University to discuss examples of students travelling across borders for education.
The conversation focuses mainly on the China/Hong Kong border but also cited other examples of this phenomenon and various push and pull factors related to it.
Thanks to Collins for sponsoring series 6 of GeogPod.
Johanna and Maggi's Geography article with the photos mentioned in the pod
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
In this week's episode John spoke to Alistair Hamill, Geography teacher by day, astrophotographer by night.
Alistair talked about how to use GIS in the classroom and how Alistair used it to bring divided communities in Northern Ireland together. John and Alistair also talked about plate tectonics and Alistair's photography.
Thanks to Collins for sponsoring series 6 of GeogPod.
Links from the pod
ESRI User Conference - video about breaking down barrier in Lurgan, Northern Ireland
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Episode #32: Alan Kinder - Talking to the GA's Chief Executive
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
This week our GeogPod guest was the GA's very own Chief Executive, Alan Kinder. Alan spoke to John about his path to becoming the GA's Chief Executive as well his reflections on the Association's work and upcoming priorities.
Many thanks to Edquas for sponsoring season 5 of GeogPod.
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Episode #31: Iain Freeland - Understanding Ofsted and what makes 'good geography'
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
This week John spoke to Iain Freeland, Her Majesty's Inspector and National Lead for Geography. Iain talked us through his career path so far and some of things Ofsted are looking for in terms of ' good geography' with some key takeaways for teachers.
Many thanks to Edquas for sponsoring season 5 of GeogPod.
Links from the pod
Iain's article for Primary Geography entitled 'Empowering geography - a view from Ofsted'.
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Episode #30: Janine Maddison - Virtual fieldwork
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
This week John spoke to Janine Maddison about virtual fieldwork, how it compares to 'traditional in field' fieldwork, how the two can be blended, and some quick wins for teachers to take away.
Janine is a researcher at Newcastle University and previously worked as a tutor for the Field Studies Council.
Many thanks to Edquas for sponsoring season 5 of GeogPod.
Links from the pod:
#fieldworklive- FSC and Encounter Edu
Fieldcasts from the Open University
ThingLink- creating virtual tours
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Episode #29: Dr Margaret Byron - Caribbean communities in the UK
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
This week John spoke to Dr Margaret Byron, Associate Professor in Human Geography at the University of Leicester, about the different waves of migration from the Caribbean to the UK and the experiences of those communities.
Many thanks to Edquas for sponsoring season 5 of GeogPod.
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Episode #28: Paul Turner & John Huckle - Teaching critical school geography
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
This week John spoke to Paul Turner& John Huckle in a far-ranging episode which covered teaching critical school geography and what is it to be a radical school geographer.
Many thanks to Edquas for sponsoring season 5 of GeogPod.
Links from the pod
John's website, where his book Critical School Geography can be downloaded.
Paul's website where you can find some of his great teaching resources + more.
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Dr Elizabeth Rushton of King's College London and two of her PGCE students, Charlotte Arulseelan & Darcy Beardmore-Crowther spoke to John about the challenges and opportunities of training to be a geography teacher during a pandemic.
Many thanks to Edquas for sponsoring season 5 of GeogPod.
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Episode #26 - Dominic Dyer: Wildlife protection and animal welfare activism
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
In this episode, Wildlife Protection & Animal Welfare activist and Pearson World Changer ambassador Dominic Dyer talked us through some of his varied and influential work and activism. Dominic also touched on the Dasgupta Review, how young activists can become the decision makers of tomorrow, the badger culling debate, bees, and lots more besides!
Many thanks to Pearson for sponsoring season 4 of GeogPod.
Links from the pod
Badgered to Death: The People and Politics of the Badger Cull